The Queen Mary

Our 5-Year Journey

The Queen Mary: 

The Spirit has spoken to us that He is "conscripting the Antioch Movement for such a time as this.” And, He has given us the story of the Queen Mary as a metaphor to frame the journey God is leading us on over these five years from 2021-2025.

The Lord is bringing us back to our apostolic and prophetic roots, our foundations of love and surrender to Jesus, and our apostolic lifestyle and mission to seek and save the lost here, there, and everywhere.

We have put together a downloadable pdf to share the story behind this journey and the development of the Queen Mary word.

Each year in this journey, the Lord has given us a next step to partner with Him on as the Spirit retrofits the Antioch Movement. We have used the 5 Year arc graphic as a visual picture of how the Spirit is leading us. Each annual theme is a piece of the foundation that God is re-laying and re-solidifying in our lives.

The 5-Year Arc:

2021: Conscription

In 2021, the Holy Spirit brought a renewed level of consecration and surrender in our lives individually and as a community. We had been fruitful, but the Lord showed us that He was pruning us so that we might bear more fruit.

2022: Ignite the Boiler Room

In 2022, upon the foundation of consecration, the Holy Spirit gave us a fresh call to prayer and worship in our hearts, homes, churches, and world. One outworking of this emphasis was to work toward 24/7 prayer across the Antioch Movement.

2023: Unity of the Spirit

In 2023, the Spirit emphasized the importance of our unity with the Lord, with each other, and being united in mission.

2024: Multigenerational Family on Mission

In 2024, we believe the Spirit is building us in fresh ways as a multigenerational family on mission.